Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Hurting Somebody You Don't Even Know Is Harsh. Your hurting People In And Out of The Real World. A Lot Of You May Think Im the Wild Child When There is much more than That. I am a person with feelings As Well. To Bullies out There I want you to know I am very Disappointed in you. Hurting Somebody is Not the Answer, Lying is Not The Answer. Its Not Cool. Im Bullied By many Everyday By Websites. Hur...t Is everywhere In You. Life for Bullies May make you feel good about yourself Treating somebody you know like a perfect stranger. But Look Around. Your Hurting People Like Me Where you feel so bad you just wanna cry. I may not Cry on the outside. But Now I am filled with emotional Scars Right Now. Know that All you bullies out there. I hope you feel Good About Yourself :'(
If You all Know who im talking about. Its Jami Dee :(
Just Know I never threatened her. People know who I am. Im nice to everyone, I mean, Why Threaten? No matter what she says to you She is lying. She Edited the Pics on her blog. I DON'T Threaten! I have Been Kind to so many people :( Please don't turn your back on me
Sad And Alone, ~Peacebear :(
This is me :( When im nice, people turn their back on me

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