Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Sorry I haven't Blogged for A while

Sorry I haven't Blogged For A while. Just been so busy at school and with my aunt having Stage 4 Cancer. Don't Forget to Comment Below! (:

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Moviestar of the Week♥

The moviestar of the week is... Katalia8838! For making me smile,  and feel what its like to be her friend. I hope we can stay fwands Kat c:

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Friday, September 20, 2013

Moviestar of the week! (sorry i missed an entire week xD)

The moviestar of the week is... Cayden2002! For making me laugh, making me smile, and always being there for me. we have come so far in our friendship since Last March. I hope we can stay friends forever! :D

Thursday, September 12, 2013


Does anyone else find this weird? or is it just me? XD
Actually.... Its kinda cute O_O :D

Monday, September 9, 2013

Moviestar of the week!

Our moviestar of the week is...... FILMSTAR23!!!!!!
For making me laugh at the toughest times and helping me through everything. No matter how hairy things get.
You are a true bff in my eyes. I thank you for tht! :D


im going to be starting a new contest for every week. Every Monday I will update on the person who has helped me the most through everything! :D Bye for now!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Thursday, August 22, 2013


Ok so one of my bffs at like 7:00 just randomly asked me if I wanted to be Vip again. Of couse I said yes. They logged on my acc and gave me a vip :DDDD Here is before & after photo's below :) :
Before :D
I finally look like I have wanted to all along! Thank you so much :) You know who you are :B

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Alishak I have had enough of your lies! I have said this one too many times! I. DON'T. BULLY!!!!!! Im Sick and tired of your lies and bullying! I saw what you wrote about me on funksterpunksters wall. I wouldn't be on here if that was true, now would I? If you all wanna see what Alishak is like, Take a look!

Monday, August 12, 2013


IM FINALLY BACK ON MSP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just Spent time with My bffs and had an awesome time! Check it out below!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Quitting: Updated

Well I have Made my Final Decision. Im Coming Back After August 9th ( My Birthday) So, I miss you all a lot ;( Well, Ill See You Then♥

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Hi Guys... :(

Most of you know that recently I have quit :( Well... Its because of this... :'(

But I know some of you saw the Sweetest Wall Posts on there. Filmstar23. Hon your my bestie Forever And I thank you so so much for being there for me. I had to quit due to the bullying though :( And everyone on my blog, I thought we were friends, And Cayden, If your reading this, Thanks For Deleting me. You Made me cry for 4 HOURS!
I'll Most likely be back on this Sunday. I just needed a break from that, and when I get back on, I will Delete those Comments on my wall, plus the other hundreds that they gave me. I hope You All Feel Good About Yourself

Sunday, July 28, 2013


So I come online and I see a hater on my Quitting artbook (dw im not quitting anymore) So I write on her Wall and told her to stop bullying me, then I get a BUTTLOAD of hate from her: Check it out :(

Friday, July 26, 2013

Thanks So Much Guys!

Im Level 12 Thanks To My Supporters! Here is a list of my biggest Supporters:
Pink kitty7572
Thanks So Much For Everyone! You have no Idea how Greatful I Am. Thanks To All My Supporters, Fans, And Friends For All Your Help♥

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Photo Shoot Results

I got Some people to come to my room and do a photo Shoot. Check Out The Results!:

Thursday, July 18, 2013


Ok so I saw a  forum on Msp About Gay Marriage... Check out the one I circled .-.
Click on it to see a better pic of it

Tysm Amber!!!!!!!

Tysm For The Greeting Amber! :3

Wednesday, July 17, 2013




Hurting Somebody You Don't Even Know Is Harsh. Your hurting People In And Out of The Real World. A Lot Of You May Think Im the Wild Child When There is much more than That. I am a person with feelings As Well. To Bullies out There I want you to know I am very Disappointed in you. Hurting Somebody is Not the Answer, Lying is Not The Answer. Its Not Cool. Im Bullied By many Everyday By Websites. Hur...t Is everywhere In You. Life for Bullies May make you feel good about yourself Treating somebody you know like a perfect stranger. But Look Around. Your Hurting People Like Me Where you feel so bad you just wanna cry. I may not Cry on the outside. But Now I am filled with emotional Scars Right Now. Know that All you bullies out there. I hope you feel Good About Yourself :'(
If You all Know who im talking about. Its Jami Dee :(
Just Know I never threatened her. People know who I am. Im nice to everyone, I mean, Why Threaten? No matter what she says to you She is lying. She Edited the Pics on her blog. I DON'T Threaten! I have Been Kind to so many people :( Please don't turn your back on me
Sad And Alone, ~Peacebear :(
This is me :( When im nice, people turn their back on me

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Thanks Kate c:

Thank you Katerocks For the Three Wishys♥


I had no idea tht I had so many high leveled friends O-O

Fun in the mall with Justacutegirl12

Last night I had so much fun :D I was in my dino suit And Justacutegirl12 noticed and soon enough we are like Bezzies! x'D

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

What i look like

Im gonna show you what I look like in real life and my Msp Character. They look alike huh?

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

A Song For Cayden2002

Cayden this song shows my friendship for you is meant to be :) I hope our friendship stays strong for all eternity. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAYDEN, YOU ARE A WONDERFUL BFF!

Sunday, July 7, 2013


As you can see from the Blog banner, those are some of my great bffs, I couldn't fit everyone in, so here are some more people I wish to say thank you to:
P@nda Bear
Mb lover123456
And last but not least: cayden2002!
Thanks for all of you for being there for me, I may not know any of you, but all of you mean the world to me♥

Friday, July 5, 2013

July 4th

Last night the fourth of July Was amazing! The Police found us 3 places we weren't supposed to be >.< we went to those places because we were able to for 5 years! But I got a good video! Check it out!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


I have received an award for 100 Loves on an artbook! Thank you all so much for this! it is appreciated in so many ways, If I could say thank you in every language I would! You are all sooo sweet to me (: Thank you!

Friday, June 28, 2013


If I had a Hula-Hoop right now that would be so osm no? :D

Monday, June 24, 2013

Grandmother's Kitten♥

*Sniff* *Sniff*
I'll Sit Here Anyways ;)
:O Tired, Ill Sit Here and take a Nap♥
Hope You Liked :D