Sunday, August 25, 2013

Thursday, August 22, 2013


Ok so one of my bffs at like 7:00 just randomly asked me if I wanted to be Vip again. Of couse I said yes. They logged on my acc and gave me a vip :DDDD Here is before & after photo's below :) :
Before :D
I finally look like I have wanted to all along! Thank you so much :) You know who you are :B

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Alishak I have had enough of your lies! I have said this one too many times! I. DON'T. BULLY!!!!!! Im Sick and tired of your lies and bullying! I saw what you wrote about me on funksterpunksters wall. I wouldn't be on here if that was true, now would I? If you all wanna see what Alishak is like, Take a look!

Monday, August 12, 2013


IM FINALLY BACK ON MSP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just Spent time with My bffs and had an awesome time! Check it out below!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Quitting: Updated

Well I have Made my Final Decision. Im Coming Back After August 9th ( My Birthday) So, I miss you all a lot ;( Well, Ill See You Then♥

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Hi Guys... :(

Most of you know that recently I have quit :( Well... Its because of this... :'(

But I know some of you saw the Sweetest Wall Posts on there. Filmstar23. Hon your my bestie Forever And I thank you so so much for being there for me. I had to quit due to the bullying though :( And everyone on my blog, I thought we were friends, And Cayden, If your reading this, Thanks For Deleting me. You Made me cry for 4 HOURS!
I'll Most likely be back on this Sunday. I just needed a break from that, and when I get back on, I will Delete those Comments on my wall, plus the other hundreds that they gave me. I hope You All Feel Good About Yourself