Thursday, May 30, 2013


Kat is one of my bffs on MSP. She makes me laugh, she makes me smile, She includes me in a lot of things. Kat, if you read this, I want you to know how special you are to me. I know I usually do not let you know this, but this is all true. If I didn't know you, I don't know where I would be! Thank you for being there for me ☻
Love, Makayla (peacebear)


Brittany, I want you to know how special you are to me! If I was not your friend, idk how lonely I would be right now! There is never once a chance for me to tell you "Thank You." I love you so much and thank you for always being there for me! ☻ Love, Makayla

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Kenzie is one of my best friends, she helps me and a lot more! We get in so many fights, i can't count them all! :D but thats okay because in the end, you are always my bff in real. And we may have our differences, but i love ya :)
Yours Truly, Makayla ♥

Friday, May 17, 2013

Happy Birthday Filmstar!

May 22, 2013. HAPPY BIRTHDAY FILMSTAR! Your birthday is coming up soon and i can't wait! I hope you have a great time!
From, Makayla ♥

Sunday, May 12, 2013


Tears. This new movie series can just break somebody's heart. you can read about the new series coming soon on my arty i am making currently.
♥ Makayla ♥ ;)

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Please take time to say thank you to our mothers for all they do for us, they dryy our tears, calm us down, help with problems and SOOOOOOO much more! We should celebrate May 12 as a day to let our mothers feel special. And mom i love you and thanks so much for you always being there for me!
Yours truly, Makayla ♥

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Sara Miller

Sara is the best friend EVER!!!! I have known her since first grade and she is a very cherished part of my life. Sara, i hope we can be bffs forever, i love you and i hope i spend every day with you (friend way). Yours Truly, Makayla

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


OMG PRINCESS! I am so happy that you got to level 25!!!!! I congratulate you a bunch, you deserve to be in that special postition! I hope That one day pretty soon that you will make it to the top and have a special royal treatment that ishacool is holding for you at the moment. You are very special and i hope We will be Friends Forever! ♥
~ Makayla (peacebear)

Saturday, May 4, 2013


I have been hearing some rumors about Candi, She is really fun, she is not afraid to tell you what she thinks and if anybody agrees differently (like cookie20501) needs to keep it to themselves. Like Candi has said in the past to people... please do not swear on my wall, this is a game for little kids and a lot of little kids look at my wall. See how Candi is so aware?! Plz do not hurt Candi, we need her as she is a very important part of msp.
~Makayla ♥

Thursday, May 2, 2013


Life is too short to wake up in the morning filled with regrets, so love the people tht treat you right and forgive the ones who don't, and believe everything happens for a reason. if you get a chance, take it, if it changes your life, let it, nobody said it would be easy, they just promised IT WOULD BE WORTH IT!
Cool huh? idk who made tht  but it is just beautiful and i wanted to share it wiv u!
Yours truly, Makayla

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


this is meh singing! :p


Happy May! I hope May is going to be hot for you! Email Me if you want me to put a post tht you want. or see me in action @
My name is peacebear :)
Yours Truly, Makayla