Monday, May 18, 2015

Lmao hey everyone, Sorry I've kind of abandoned this blog xD
I've decided that I'm going to not post here anymore, and I'm sorry.
Thanks all you lovelies, I'll never forget you. <3

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Murder Mystery

On Murder Mystery, you know who is murderer when:

  • You hear knife sounds by you
  • someone is walking nonchalantly behind you
  • So see someone die before your Eyes
Good luck everyone! :D

We are weird

Gabestone3000 and I are on Build a hideout and Sword Fight! Wanna come play? (And do you wanna see me kill Gabe in his Sleep? :D)

Friday, May 16, 2014


Sometimes, I swear I CAN NOT stand people! So dere is this girl on ROBLOX, and she kept spawn killing me on Build a Hideout and Sword Fight for no freaking Reason! I mean, who does that?! (Unless its a Guest xDDD) Then she kept bullying me for no reason and I kept Firing back and saying stuff I never said on her Blog... So... Yeah. Let me know what you Peacey's think about this. Tbh I think I didn't deserve this...

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Awesome Game!

Have you ever played this EPIC game by Shedletsky? (He is my friend by the way SUCKAAAAAAAAAA o-o


Since I have pretty much quit MSP, This is no longer my MovieStarPlanet blog, this will now be my ROBLOX blog. Thanks to everyone who has been there for me On MSP, but ROBLOX just Interests me more now. Thanks guys. :) :D